Stewardship for Saints
and Scholars

The campaign for Catholic education in the Diocese of Lansing

Stewardship for Saints
and Scholars

The campaign for Catholic education in the Diocese of Lansing

Bishop Boyea

“In the present age, we seek to form and inspire young people who will bring a new order to our culture so that the salvation won for us in Jesus Christ can be
shared by our society and the world.”


campaign Prayer

Lord, everything we have is a gift from you. You call us to receive your gifts with thanks, to develop these gifts fully, and to share them generously.

Through the Stewardship for Saints and Scholars campaign help every young person in the Diocese of Lansing see your truth, beauty, and goodness; help families to raise their children in the Faith; and help parishes make a truly Catholic education available to all.

May the work of this campaign bear abundant fruit in the Saints and Scholars you are raising up for the future.

We ask these blessings through Christ our Lord.



What are the
Campaign Priorities?

On Mission

On Mission

Attract, form, train and retain excellent and faithful teachers and administrators.



Grow tuition assistance for current and new families.


Assist students with special needs. Enhance services at our regional high schools.


Local Initiatives

Intended to bolster parishes, schools, homeschool programs, religious ed and faith formation.

A Catholic school
is Catholic because:

  • It undertakes to educate the whole child, addressing the requirements of his or her natural and supernatural perfection.
  • It provides an education in the intellectual and moral virtues.
  • It prepares for a fully human life at the service of others and for the life of the world to come.

The Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools, 2006