Bishop Boyea

“In the present age, we seek to form and inspire young people who will bring a new order to our culture so that the salvation won for us in Jesus Christ can be
shared by our society and the world.”


Bishop Boyea’s words – and the determination behind them – are the framework of our new capital campaign for Catholic education. We are calling this effort Stewardship for Saints and Scholars, a theme that embodies a sincere commitment to prayerful resolve in fulfilling Bishop Boyea’s vision for our children.

We need to better help our families raise happy and holy young people who are capable of bringing the love and truth of Jesus Christ to contemporary society in a way that is intellectually coherent, culturally credible and socially compassionate. Faith
and reason. Heart and mind. Saints and scholars.

The Stewardship for Saints and Scholars campaign will make Catholic schools across the Diocese of Lansing ever more on-mission, affordable and accessible, ensuring that an authentically Catholic education is available to all families who desire it for their children. This endeavor requires clear and consistent catechesis on two key principles of Catholic teaching:

The responsibility of parents and Church:

The primary educator of a child is his or her parents. Catholic parents are obliged to provide for the Catholic education of their children. As our mother and teacher, the Church has a duty to help parents provide that Catholic education, primarily through the provision and maintenance of Catholic schools. This also involves supporting Catholic parents who choose to homeschool or enroll their children in religious education programs at their parish.

The joy of stewardship:

Stewardship means recognizing that everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God and, thus, being grateful and generous in response to that divine beneficence. Our Catholic forebears sacrificed and, often, suffered much for their faithfulness to Jesus Christ and His Holy Church. They did so for the love of us. It is now our sacred duty and joy to give of our time, talent and treasure for our children, grandchildren and generations hence.