$10.5 Million (15%)

Improve assistance for children with special needs while also providing funds to enhance services through the four regional diocesan high schools.

The number of children with special needs continues to grow as well as their families’ desire to provide a Catholic education. We want our Catholic schools to be more able to serve these families and students. The Accessible initiative will expand services to children with special needs through the “Serving God’s Children” Fund. Additionally, the Accessible initiative will help to address some major projects at our four diocesan high schools. Our high schools serve as cornerstones for our Catholic schools, and each has opportunities for enhancements to further their mission and enhance accessibility regionally.

“Serving God’s Children” Fund of $2.5 million

  • Up to $100,000 per year in grants to schools and parishes to serve children with special needs.
  • Up to $12,500 per year in grants for training for teachers and resources to serve children with special needs.

Regional Catholic High School Enhancements of $8 million

  • Up to $2 million for each of the four regional Catholic high schools.

What are the
Campaign Priorities?

On Mission

On Mission

Attract, form, train and retain excellent and faithful teachers and administrators.



Grow tuition assistance for current and new families.


Assist students with special needs. Enhance services at our regional high schools.


Local Initiatives

Intended to bolster parishes, schools, homeschool programs, religious ed and faith formation.