$14 Million (20%)

Invest in local parish school, religious education/faith formation, parish sponsored homeschool initiatives or other urgent, local needs.

Responses gleaned during the planning study indicated a desire to also include support for religious education, faith formation and homeschool families. The decision was then made to broaden the scope of the campaign. The spirit of this initiative, as with the entire Stewardship for Saints and Scholars campaign, is to expand the catechesis and evangelization opportunities for our children. While these funds are intended for projects relating to their Catholic schools and/or religious education/faith formation and/or parish sponsored homeschool efforts, pastors along with parish leadership may use their discretion and ultimately determine the best use of these funds based on the most urgent needs of the parish.

Local Initiatives

  • Each parish will receive 20% of the funds collected from its parishioners for its own local needs. Once a parish has reached its target, 100% of funds collected over the target will be returned to the parish.

What are the
Campaign Priorities?

On Mission

On Mission

Attract, form, train and retain excellent and faithful teachers and administrators.



Grow tuition assistance for current and new families.


Assist students with special needs. Enhance services at our regional high schools.


Local Initiatives

Intended to bolster parishes, schools, homeschool programs, religious ed and faith formation.